It’s Time to Hunt Quiet.

We’ve been all about the boom for nearly 70 years. Now, Nosler suppressors turn down the volume without turning down accuracy or performance, so you can protect your hearing, avoid spooking game, and make your favorite rifle more enjoyable to shoot than ever before. Nosler suppressors are designed with meticulous attention to detail and engineered to the highest standards of performance. We understand that accuracy is the backbone of every successful shot, and our suppressors are carefully crafted to ensure that your rifle maintains its exceptional precision. You can trust that each shot will hit its mark, even with the suppressor attached.

Get started today to get your Nosler suppressor before your next hunt. Click the button below and search for a Nosler dealer.

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How Suppressors Work

When an unsuppressed gun is fired, the rapidly expanding, super-heated gases create a blast as they escape the muzzle. Suppressors send these gases through a series of baffles where they’re cooled before leaving the muzzle, lowering the noise to a safer decibel level. It also reduces recoil, which can improve your accuracy.


This crucial part seals the end of your Nosler suppressor.


This is where gas begins expanding as it leaves the muzzle, before passing through the baffles.


The first baffle in the stack. It absorbs the most heat and pressure.


These dividers absorb the heat from the rapidly expanding gasses as they pass through, converting noise into heat.

Suppressors & Hunting

At one time, suppressors were a common hunting accessory because they not only protected your hearing, they also helped with follow-up shots and even recoil reduction. How popular were suppressors among hunters? Even the famed conservationist, President Teddy Roosevelt, hunted with a suppressed lever action. Today, it’s legal to hunt with suppressors in 40 states, and Nosler is proud to bring suppressor technology to American hunters from coast to coast.

Purchasing Your Suppressor

Visit your Nosler dealer to purchase your suppressor and federal tax stamp. The dealer will hold onto your suppressor until the approval process is complete.
Choose how to file (individual, trust, etc.). Complete and e-file your paperwork with the ATF, including fingerprints, passport-style photo and demographic info. Click here to read more from the ASA. 
Once you’re approved, you can pick up your suppressor at your Nosler dealer and begin using it immediately.

Threading Your Suppressor On

Every suppressor comes with a thread adapter to easily attached your suppressor to your threaded barrel. Our suppressors are also compatible with our three-port muzzle brake.

Mounting your suppressor with a thread adapter

Nosler Suppressor FAQs

Nosler suppressors have a unique modular design that allows you to replace the baffle stack in case of damage, without having to go through the purchase process again.
The noise produced by modern hunting rifles can cause significant hearing damage, even when used infrequently. A Nosler suppressor will reduce the sound to safe levels. Nosler suppressors will also make your rifle easier to shoot by reducing recoil, which can even increase your accuracy.
Unlike in the movies, a suppressor won’t “silence” a firearm. It does dramatically reduce the noise produced by a firearm, bringing it to much safer decibel levels.
By slowing the gases leaving the rifle, a suppressor will reduce the recoil in addition to reducing the noise. This can make even rifles chambered for powerful cartridges, such as .300 Win Mag, more enjoyable to shoot and even more accurate.
No, your Nosler suppressor won’t affect your rifle’s ballistics or the terminal performance of the bullet. Our suppressors are designed to allow the bullet to pass freely through. Only the ignition gases — which have already propelled the bullet out of the firearm — are affected by the suppressor.
You can file for your suppressor in multiple ways, depending on who you want to allow to use it, and how.
The paperwork you’ll need to efile after purchasing your suppressor includes the ATF Form 4, certain demographic information, fingerprints, and a passport-style photo.
The Nosler dealer who you purchased the suppressor from will store that exact suppressor for you during the approval process.
The wait times for approval change constantly, yet with the efile system, the approval process is much faster than in the past. Just remember, your patience will be rewarded when you’re finally able to mount your Nosler suppressor on your favorite rifle.
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